Module II
- Development projects for human
resources of research
Contract no.: 3260/19.10.2005
Contractor authority: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, Romania
Contractor: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
Iaşi, Romania
Duration: 2005-2007
Project’s title
A detailed documentation and creation of a data base that shall include all information regarding the subject matter, which involves developing of high scientific analysis and synthesis abilities and the study of a wide material, shall increase the researchers’ sense of respect towards the precedent researches.
Another aspect that will be highlighted during the documentation period will be the detailed of the working protocols, in order to increase the rigor sense in following each phase so that correct results shall be obtained.
Team work abilities development, in order to realize a single purpose and to initiate each member in the competence areas of the participants
The biometrical, biochemical and physiological determinations involve a deep knowledge of processes and the importance of the analyzed indices, which stimulates scientific curiosity and increases the researchers’ performance.
Monitoring the state of the associations from the experiments has as a major role the developing of the ability to multilaterally treat a narrow issue
The anatomic-morphological, biometrical, biochemical and physiological analysis develop the skills in using performance equipment
The testing of compatibility of rootstock/scion associations (pear- quince) assumes the developing of working outside the laboratory (in the natural environment of trees), specific activity in horticulture and some experience interchanges between researchers and technicians in other research areas.
Multidisciplinary collaboration between pomiculture and vegetal physiology, interdisciplinary relationship with mathematical modeling may be added, involves the setting of agronomic researchers in a straight line with regards to computer language, hardware and software. This shall also contribute to develop and profound study of technical abilities and reducing the time for data processing, synthesis and analysis in favor of informing and actualizing activities.
Another issue that is to be developed in the implementation of the latest multimedia and informational technologies that stimulates and improves the relationship between the researcher and the technology he uses. The knowledge of all these competences and abilities makes the biological phenomena easier to understand.
Turning into a god account a dissemination of the results will be made by means of scientific gatherings, congresses, symposiums in which the employed postdoctoral candidate will present their work by sustaining oral communications or papers.
Some of the obtained data will be forwarded for publishing to scientific magazines in Romania and in foreign countries.
In order to found in our institution, in which the applicant is employed, a long lasting postdoctoral research centre (the extensive and deep study of some complex aspects may be realized in a longer period, as studying pomiculture by means of physiology is not an issue fully covered, on the contrary, it is very actual.) the creation of an electronically data base where on-line results should be published, so that they can be promoted worldwide, is to be created Also there will be a discussion forum on the topic, by means of which young graduates will become more interested in the doctoral activity and also by means of which excellence relationships
Will be established between young or/and experimented researchers allover the world.
Mathematical modeling of a biological phenomenon may be finalized with the creation of a computer program – soft that may be used in further research, but with the required adjustments or completions (regarding the obtained productions and their quality – objective that can be accomplished after a longer period of research).
It may also be spread among the producers or integrated in specialized computer program for fruit growers (in this case) present in foreign countries and hopefully, in our country they will be soon. These programs are simplifying and render profitable agriculture in general, and particularly horticulture.