First year objectives:

-   the evaluation of factors, processes, potential and evolution trends for the area's natural resources;
-   the analysis of the current situation, regarding the pasturelands' vegetation description and the functional links between the vegetal carpet component species;
-   aquiring the soil and ecological conditions for each experimental item;
-   elaborating the experimental protocol;
-   settling the experiments on different types of pasturelands.
Second and third year objectives:

- notes and measurings regarding the evolution of the vegetal carpet;
- identifying and valuing the biological material of some species with forage potential;
- measuring the dynamics of some invasive species in pasturelands ?i establishing precise control measures which are not affecting the vegetal carpet's biodiversity;
- perfecting the culture technologies for pasturelands by balancing the ecological, physiological and technological factors, which can assure the optimization of the inputs, the pasturelands' efficiency and the environment protection;
- the role of different doses of organic and organo-mineral fertilizers interacting with the soil and climatic factors on the productivity and quality of the permanent pasturelands from the targe area, related to the human intervention's level; establishing the best pratotechnical paths to assure the best management of the praticol resources from Romania, in the conditions of ensuring a superior production quality and the biodiversity preservation;
- establishing the chemical composition, the fodder's nutritional and energetic value, by area and vegetation floor; - realising practical recommendations for the pasturelands' long-lasting management and for recovering the degraded pasturelands ;
- realising practical recommendations for the pasturelands' long-lasting management and for recovering the degraded pasturelands;
- spreading the obtained results through scientific papers presentations, folders, brochures and settling demonstrative fields;