USAMV Cluj Napoca
[Gârda - Gheţari][Păltiniş – Masivul Cindrel]
Experimental point Gârda - Gheţari:
Experiment no. 1 – Organic and mineral fertilization
- V1-natural pastureland (control);
- V2-10 t/ha manure;
- V3-10 t/ha manure + 50N 25P2O525K2O;
- V4-100N 50P2O5 50K2O;
- V5-10 t/ha manure + 100N 50P2O5 50K2O
Experiment no. 2 - Organic fertilization
- V1- control;
- V2-10 t/ha manure;
- V3-20 t/ha manure;
- V4-30 t/ha manure;
Experimental point Păltiniş – Masivul Cindrel
Experiment no. 1 : - Organic and mineral fertilization
- V1-natural pastureland (control);
- V2-10 t/ha manure;
- V3-10 t/ha manure + 50N 25P2O5 25K2O;
- V4-100N 50P2O5 50K2O;
- V5-10 t/ha manure + 100N 50P2O5 50K2O
Experiment no. 2 - Organic fertilization
- V1- control;
- V2-10 t/ha manure;
- V3-20 t/ha manure;
- V4-30 t/ha manure