Results and conclusions
USAMV Cluj Napoca
The study of the conducted questionnaires showed that:
- The size of the owned surfaces vary this way: 20 persons have under 2 ha; 29 persons have properties between 2 and 6 ha; 1 person owns a surface between 5 and 10 ha; 0 persons have properties over 10 ha;
- On exploitation categories, the owners land has the following structure: all those being questioned have under 25% cultivated field; all those being questioned have over 75% pasturelands; 15 of those being questioned have under 25% forest and a single person has between 25% and 50% forest;
- The hay fields mowing starts when the plants height is of 40-50 cm;
- The number of mowing sessions vary related with each year's weather, all those being questioned harvesting the hay once or twice a year;
- The is mostly stored in stacks and in barns, method used by 40 of those being questioned and in a small measure only in barns and only in stacks. The hay silos are missing in this region;
- The manure application is made manually, most of the times in autumn and in winter breaches.
The experimental area is characterized by:
- The height of Cindrel Mountains determines more than one distinctive climatic floor. Thus, after NIEDERMAIER (1968), in this mountain there are the following different climatic floors: sub mountain, mountain, sub alpine and alpine.
- The Cindrel Mountains climate is consider to be included in the boreal climate, but on different altitude floors (see above). There are noticed significant differences in what regards the climate, as follows:
- the sub mountain floor climate, specific for the region of junction between valleys and medium high mountains is humid boreal. The rain-falls' multi-annual average value varies between 650 - 800 mm, and from the temperature's point of view, the annual average value varies between 7-9oC. The annual potential evapo-transpiration (641 mm, Sibiu) does not overcome the annual sum of the rain-falls (662 mm Sibiu). Even in these conditions there is often registered a considerably lack of humidity in summer and early autumn.
- The vegetation period in this floor overcomes usually 180 days/year*.
- the mountain floor climate met on the mountain platforms, situated at altitudes between 900 - 1600 m is characterized by an accentuation of the humid feature of the climate. In this floor the rain-falls' multi-annual average value varies between 900 - 1100 mm (996 mm - Păltiniş) as long as the annual average temperature is between 2 - 6oC.
- The annual potential evapo-transpiration of 486 mm - specific to Păltiniş is situated much under the rain-falls' multi-annual average value in this area. The same as for the previous floor, in this floor, too, during some years and especially on the fields with southern exposition it can be registered water deficits, which can induce critical periods for the vegetation.
- The vegetation period in this floor is considerably reduced reaching at 120 - 150 days/year.
The study of the biodiversity showed that:
- The flora and the vegetation from the studied perimeters wear the mark of the high mountain climate, of the edaphical conditions as well as of the way - mostly traditional - of field exploitation;
- The phyto-cenosis from Gheţari and Păltiniş areas are low productive, being considered of class VI-X in Apuseni Mountains and VII-IX in Cindrel Mountain;
- Our researches on these pasturelands tried to give an overlook to the mountain natural pasturelands the way Europe considers them, in equal measure as fodder source and support of specific wealth with major implications in the local and regional landscape;
- The natural pasturelands specific to this area with the floristic composition mentioned above can produce, through an adequate management, amounts of good quality fodder to satisfy the necessities of an ecological agriculture in the target areas.