Results and conclusions
ICDP Braşov
The results of the questionnaire which contains a number of 30 questions revealed the following:
- The average owned surface is of 5.83 ha. From which 65 % is represented by cultivated field and 35 % is pastureland;
- The owners of forest surfaces are very few, 5% from all those being questioned;
- Most of the households breed animals, 59 cases and only 4 farmers have only poultry;
- Most of the animals are cattle, over 80% but we meet also sheep, goats and horses.
The experimental area is characterized by:
- As phyto-geographic unit the conducted researches are framed into the falling leaves tree forest floor, category of mixed falling leaves trees and pine trees forest, Doni?a 1985, with an inferior limit at 600-700 m;
- The climate is chilly and wet, characterized by annual average temperatures of 6 - 8oC and rain-fall quantities of 700-1100 mm;
- The vegetal cover of the sub floor has a great variety, the forests occupy 63% from surface, the secondary pasturelands approximately 14%, and the rest are human settlements and cultivated fields;
- The falling leaves tree forest contains Symphito-Fagetum association, on eubase brown soils, and the mixed forests contains Pulmonario-Abieti-Fagetum association;
- The secondary pasturelands contains a group of associations of Festuca rubra L. and Agrostis capillaris L. (Agrostideto-Festucetalia rubrae order) which associates with many other species;
- The experimental fields were placed on the territory of ICDP Braşov and of Lisa locality from Braşov district.
The study of the biodiversity showed that:
- There were evaluated the main pastureland types from different hilly zones of Braşov district and appreciated from the agronomical and qualitative point of view;
- The most valuable are those dominated by Festuca rubra and Agrostis capillaries; they have a pastoral value average to good which determines a pasturing capacity of 1.4 - 1,6 UVM/ha. The Festuca rubra mixed with Nardus stricta pasturelands have a low pastoral value and a diminished pasturing capacity under 1 UVM/ha;
- For the study of the agronomical and nutritional value of the main pastureland types in the area there were placed three experimental devices, two at ICDP Braţov and one in Lisa locality;
- The obtained results at the first harvesting show the favorable impact of the manure on the vegetal carpet's productivity, the production increases being of 5-20%.