About The Conference
18th National Conference of Biophysics with International Participation (CNB 2024), Romanian Society of Pure and Applied Biophysics and Iași University of Life Sciences are pleased to invite you to attend the 18th National Conference of Biophysics (CNB 2024), with International Participation, which will take place in September 5 - 7 2024, Iași, Romania.
Guidelines for Authors
Please ensure your submission meets the conference's strict guidelines. Format requirements for the abstract can be found here. The abstract and the full-text paper will be sent to the email address iasicnb2024@gmail.com.
Abstracts, presentations and posters should be prepared in English. During the conference the presenters can chose between English and Romanian.
Conference topics:
T1 - Modeling, biomolecular simulations and computational biophysics
T2 - Membrane and cellular biophysics
T3 - Bionanotechnology, biosensors, biocompatibility and biomaterials
T4 - (Bio-)spectroscopic techniques
T5 - (Bio-)physical techniques applied in physiology, medicine and therapy
T6 - Other methods and techniques in biophysics
Best Poster Presentation
- participant should be a student (Bachelor, Master, PhD) or Resident Medical Doctor (proof should be submitted upon registration) and under 35 years old (by August 1st)
Best Young Researcher Presentation
- participant should be under 35 years old (by August 1st)
Conference Venue
Iași University of Life Sciences, Mihail Sadoveanu Alley No. 3, Iaşi, 700490, România
Summer School Information

To register for the Summer School, please fill in the folllowing registration form.
Participants will receive EMC credits!
The participants to Summer School will receive 4 EMC and for 18th National Conference of Biophysics with International Participation (CNB 2024) the participants will receive 10 EMC.
Organizing and Scientific Committee
Local Organizing Committee
Motrescu Iuliana (USV - Iaşi)
Mititelu Raluca (SRMN IM)
Ștefănescu Cipriana (IMAGO-MOL, UMF - Iași)
Năstuță Andrei-Vasile (UMF - Iași)
Țurcan Ina (USV - Iași)
Member of Honor
Creangă Dorina (UAIC - Iași)
Bodale Ilie (USV - Iași)
Bucătaru Ioana-Cezara (UAIC - Iași)
Bulgariu Emilian (USV - Iași)
Cazacu Ana (USV - Iași)
Luchian Tudor (UAIC - Iași)
Mereuţă Loredana (UAIC - Iași)
Ştefănescu Cipriana (UMF - Iași)
Tatarcan Bianca (UMF - Iași)
Scientific Committee
Albert Etele (UMFST - Târgu Mureş)
Antonescu Elisabeta (ULBS-Sibiu)
Antonescu Oana-Raluca (ULBS-Sibiu)
Bende Attila (INCDTIM - Cluj-Napoca)
Bogdan Cătălin (UMF - Craiova)
Creangă Dorina (UAIC - Iași)
Florescu Monica (UNITBV - Braşov)
Iacobescu Gabriela-Eugenia (Universitatea Craiova)
Ionescu Diana (UMFCD - Bucureşti)
Isvoran Adriana (UVT - Timişoara)
Leopold Nicolae (UBB - Cluj-Napoca)
Luchian Tudor (UAIC - Iași)
Mereuţă Loredana (UAIC - Iași)
Mesaroș Cornelia (UMFST - Târgu Mureş)
Mihăilescu Dan (Universitatea Bucureşti)
Moisescu Mihaela (UMFCD - Bucureşti)
Motrescu Iuliana (USV - Iaşi)
Mureșan Adrian-Sorin (UMFST - Târgu Mureş)
Năstuță Andrei-Vasile (UMF - Iași)
Neagu Adrian (UMFT - Timişoara)
Neagu Monica (UMFT - Timişoara)
Osiac Eugen (UMF - Craiova)
Popescu Aurel (Universitatea Bucureşti)
Radu Beatrice Mihaela (Universitatea Bucureşti)
Radu Mihai (IFIN-HH)
Savopol Tudor (UMFCD - Bucureşti)
Striufiuc Rareș (UMF - Cluj-Napoca)
Szakács Juliánna (UMFST - Târgu Mureş)
Ştefănescu Cipriana (UMF - Iași)
Tatarcan Bianca (UMF - Iași)
Turcu Ioan (INCDTIM - Cluj-Napoca)
Important Dates
Abstract submission
July 1stJuly 19th, 2024Confirmation of acceptance of the abstracts July 20th, 2024
Full-text submission (JALSE) August 15th, 2024
Early registration August 10th, 2024
Late registration August 24th, 2024
On-site registration September 5th, 2024
To register, please fill in the following registration form.
Early registration
(July 30th, 2024)
Late registration
(August 15th, 2024)
On-site registration
(September 5th, 2024)
*Basic: conference materials, coffee breaks and two lunches
**Full: includes Basic and gala dinner (250 RON)
***Students with SRBPA membership (Bachelor, Master, PhD Students or Resident Medical Doctors) should send a proof of their enrollment.
Ramada Hotel - Offer of rates for accommodation (participants should announce the intention before July 25th)
In campus accommodation - Participants should announce the intention before July 15th by email: iasicnb2024@gmail.com
Conference Schedule
Conference program is here