Valentina Cebotari, I. Buzu, T. Valeriu
In climatic conditions of 2010, were evaluated morphoproductive capacities of Carpathian Apis mellifera bee families from two breeding apiaries, in which technologic level of and genetic improvement was different: in the first apiary - was moderate, in the second - higher. It was found that the average values of the morphoproductive characters of bee families, were framed within the race standard (excepting the production of honey from the first apiary), constituted respectively: proboscis length - 6,47 and 6.48 mm, cubital index - 41.1 and 42.2%, positive discoid displacement - 70.7 and 69.4%, neutral - 28.4 and 30.4%, overwintering - 80.1 and 85.6%, colony strength - 2.83 and 3.05 kg, queens prolificacy - 1689 and 1783 eggs, brood viability - 85.1 and 97.1%, resistance to disease - 76.8 and 95.8%, production of honey - 38.80 and 52. 9 kg, elite class record - 0 and 43.7%, elite - 2.5 and 31.3%, Class I - 10.0 and 12.5%, Class II - 21.3 and 12.5% Class III - 43.7 and 0% without classes - 22.5 and 0%. At each apiary, were selected nuclei with advanced bee families for breeding, with following morphoproductive characters values, respectively: proboscis length - 6.52 and 6.59 mm, cubital index - 41.7 and 43.4%, positive discoid displacement - 85.8 and 77.7%, neutral - 14.2 and 24.6%, overwintering - 86.9 and 91.2%, colony strength - 3.03 and 3.27 kg, queens prolificacy - 1893 and 1849 egg, brood viability - 90.7 and 98.0%, resistance to disease - 87.5 and 97.1%, production of honey - 48.25 and 57.4 kg, elite class record - 0 to 100% elite - 25 and 0%, Class I - 75.0 and 0%. The differential of selection constitute: after external morphometric characters - 0.8-23.6% - and after morphoproductive characters - 1.4 -24.4 %. The selection intensity of family bees in breed nucleus constituted, respectively 10.0% - at first apiary and 43.7 at second apiary.