The way we approach food has been changed a lot lately. We have passed from a subsistence economy, where food was a matter of survival, to an economy of abundance, where the alimentary excesses went to an overly of so-called "diseases of the civilization:" cardio-vascular diseases (CVD), obesity, diabetes and a few types of cancer. The society is now heading to finding an optimum alimentary diet that tries to promote the consumption of the foods that have a favorable effect on the health. This is the context where appeared the concept of functional foods.
Key words: functional foods, tendencies, health
Micsunica Rusu
Modul de abordare a alimentatiei a suferit modificari în ultima perioada. S-a trecut de la o economie de subzistenta, unde mâncarea era o problema de supravietuire, la o economie de a abundentei, unde excesele alimentare au condus la o multitudine de asa-zise boli ale civilizatiei: boli cardiovasculare (BCV), obezitate, diabet, anumite tipuri de cancer. Societatea se îndreapta spre gasirea unui regim alimentar "optimal" prin care se încearca promovarea consumarii alimentelor cu efect benefic asupra sanatatii. Acesta este contextul în care a aparut conceptul de alimente functionale.