Ramona-Vasilica Bacter


Ramona-Vasilica Bacter, D. Coita, Alina Mosoiu

The laws concerning food industry follow one or two general objectives in order to protect human life and health, customers' interests, the use of correct practice in food trade and taking into account, whenever necessary, the protection of animals' health and wellbeing, plants and environment protection.
Food laws deal with free trade of food and animal manufactured food and with food trade according to general principles and requirements.
When making and adopting food laws, existing international standards should be taken into consideration, except the case when these standards or elements of these standards are not going to be efficient or proper in order to achieve the objectives of the legislation, or when there is a scientific motivation, or if these standards can determine a certain level of protection different from the one adopted in the community. In order to achieve the general objective concerning the insurance of a high level of protection of human life and health, food laws are based on risks evaluation, apart the case when this approach is not suitable for the circumstances or the nature of that regulation .Risks evaluation is based on scientific information available, and is done independent, with objectivity, and transparency.
Risks management takes into account the results of risks evaluation and the opinions of Animals and Food Safety Agency, other relevant factors for risks management and precaution principle. In those special cases when after the evaluation of the existing information is identified the possibility of side effects over health, but there is a scientific uncertainty, can be adopted temporal measures of risk management necessary to insure a high level of health protection, until new scientific information is provided for a complete evaluation of the risk.
The measures will be taken according to the possible side effects and will not restrain the food trade more than necessary to insure a high level of protection for health considering technical and economic possibilities and also other relevant factors.
These measures are reexamined in between a reasonable period of time, that depends both on the nature of the risk for life or health and on the type of scientific information necessary to clarify scientific uncertainty and to completely evaluate the risks.

Key words: legislati- alimente- consumatori law- food- customers


Ramona-Vasilica Bacter, D. Coita, Alina Mosoiu

Legislatia în domeniul alimentelor urmareste unul sau mai multe obiective generale ale protectiei vietii si sanatatii umane, a intereselor consumatorilor, folosirea de practici corecte în comertul cu alimente, având în vedere, atunci când este cazul, protectia sanatatii si bunastarii animalelor, a sanatatii plantelor si a mediului înconjurator.
Legislatia urmareste realizarea liberei circulatii a alimentelor si a hranei pentru animale fabricata, precum si comercializarea in conformitate cu principiile si cerintele generale.
La elaborarea sau adaptarea legislatiei in domeniul alimentelor vor fi luate în considerare standardele internationale existente sau în stadiul de a fi adoptate, in afara cazurilor in care aceste standarde sau elementele vizate de aceste standarde nu vor constitui un mijloc efcient sau adecvat in realizarea obiectivelor acestei legislatii, sau daca exista o motivatie stiintifica, sau in cazul in care acestea pot determina un nivel de protectie diferit de cel stabilit ca adecvat la nivel comunitar. In vederea realizarii obiectivului general, care vizeaza asigurarea unui nivel înalt de protectie a sanatatii si vietii oamenilor, legislatia in domeniul alimentelor se bazeaza pe analiza riscurilor, in afara cazului in care aceasta abordare nu este adecvata circumstantelor sau naturii masurii. Evaluarea riscurilor este bazata pe informatiile stiintifice disponibile si este realizata in mod independent, obiectiv si transparent.
Managementul riscurilor ia in considerare rezultatele evaluarii riscurilor si opiniile Agentiei Veterinare si pentru Siguranta Alimentelor, alti factori relevanti pentru managementul riscurilor si principiul precautiei. In cazurile specifice cand, in urma evaluarii informatiilor existente, este identificata posibilitatea efectelor daunatoare asupra sanatatii, dar subzista o incertitudine stiintifica, pot fi adoptate masuri provizorii de management al riscului, necesare pentru asigurarea unui nivel înalt de protectie a sanatatii, pâna la colectarea altor informatii stiintifice în vederea unei evaluari mai complete a riscului.

Cuvinte cheie: legislatie, alimente, consumatori