D. Simeanu

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D. Simeanu, C. Pascal, R.M. Radu-Rusu

    There are many ways to improve the effectiveness of animals’ feeding. Among these, one is to include the granulation stage in the technological flow of mixed feed manufacturing. Granulation could remove some drawbacks connected with feed usage as flours and so contribute to optimization of farm animals’ feeding. In the current paper we approached this theme in the particular situation of feeding fattening pigs. The experiment addressed 4 animal groups as biological material, each comprised 30 weaned piglets, aged 30 days. They were fed complete mixed feed with the same nutritional value but with different presentation, as follows: LM – control group – feeding with dried flour fodder; LG1 – feeding with granulated feed Φ2mm; LG2 – feeding with granulated feed Φ4mm; LG3 – feeding with granulated feed Φ7mm. During the study, there were tracked several productive traits, such as: body mass, average daily weight gain, total feed intake and feed conversion rate (FCR). By the end of the research, it was observed that the best results were produced by the pigs whom were given mixed feed with diameters of 2 and 4 mm, while granules with a 7 mm diameter didn't produced beneficial effects. In the groups with the best performances (LG1 and LG2), the final body mass was 1.58-2% higher compared to the control group, and the FCR on the whole fattening period was 2.75-4.77% more efficient than the one achieved by the pigs in control group.

Key words: granulation, swine, optimization, feeding


D. Simeanu, C. Pascal, R.M. Radu-Rusu

    Există numeroase pârghii de îmbunătăţire a eficienţei alimentaţiei animalelor. Una dintre ele presupune introducerea granulării ca etapă tehnologică în fluxul de producere a nutreţurilor combinate. Granularea poate elimina o parte din neajunsurile hrănirii cu nutreţ sub formă de făină şi contribuie, totodată, la optimizarea alimentaţiei animalelor de fermă. În această lucrare am abordat această temă, aplicată în cazul particular al alimentaţiei purceilor la îngrăşat. Experimentul a inclus 4 loturi de animale ca material biologic, fiecare format din 30 purcei înţărcaţi, în vârstă de 30 zile. Aceştia au primit acelaşi nutreţ combinat, loturile fiind diferenţiate prin modul de prezentare a hranei: LM – lot de control – făină; LG1 –granule Φ2mm; LG2 – granule Φ4mm; LG3 – granule Φ7mm. Pe parcursul studiului, au fost urmăriţi mai mulţi parametri productivi: greutatea corporală, sporul mediu zilnic, consumul total de hrană, indicele de conversie a hranei (ICH). La încheierea experimentului, cele mai bune rezultate au fost observate la purceii hrăniţi cu nutreţ granulat la diametre de 2 şi 4 mm, în timp ce utilizarea granulării cu un diametru de 7 mm nu a generat efecte benefice. În loturile cu cele mai bune performanţe (LG1 şi LG2), greutatea corporală finală a fost cu 1.58-2% mai mare, iar ICH a fost cu 2,75-4,77% mai eficient, comparativ cu cel realizat de purceii din lotul de control.

Cuvinte cheie: granulare, suine, optimizare, alimentaţie