Grape wastes, such as grape pomace and grape seeds are industrial wastes from the wine processing which is already known in scientific media, but does not yet have a particular interest in animal nutrition. These wastes are rich in bioactive compounds (polyphenols), with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a compound feed containing 8% grape seed meal (GSM) on the humoral, systemic and local (duodenum) inflammatory response, and on oxidative stress parameters in weaning piglets. A total of 12 piglets, 6 piglets per group, were fed with 1) control diet or 2) 8% GSM diet for 30 days. At the end of feeding experiment, piglets were slaughtered. Concentration of immunoglobulin and pro-inflammatory cytokines and the activities of antioxidant enzymes, the total antioxidant capacity and the lipid peroxidation were assessed. Our results showed that GSM diet did not affect the humoral immune response, plasma concentration of IgA, IgM and IgG remaining unmodified. By contrast, at duodenum level, the GSM diet had anti-inflammatory effect, by reducing the concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α. GSM significantly increase the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in duodenum and reduced the level of lipid peroxidation. In conclusion, GSM by its content in bioactive compounds (polyphenols) and fibers is a valuable feeding alternative with positive effects in weaning and post-weaning period, with the capacity to reduce the inflammatory response in duodenum and the oxidative stress, by modulation of the antioxidant status at systemic and intestinal level.
Reziduurile rezultate dupa procesarea vinului, desi cunoscute din punct de vedere stiintific, nu prezinta inca un interes particular pentru practica zootehnica. Aceste reziduuri au un continut mare de polifenoli, cu proprietati antiinflamatorii si antimicrobiene. Scopul acestui studiu este investigarea efectelor retetelor de nutret combinat continand 8% adaos de srot de seminte de struguri asupra raspunsului inflamator la nivel sistemic si local (duoden) si a stressului oxidativ, la purceii intarcati. 12 purcei intarcati au primit receptura control (NC-Control) si cea cu srot de seminte de struguri (NC-SS) 30 zile. La sfarsitul experimentului purceii au fost sacrificati. Din probele de plasma si duoden au fost determinate concentratiile de imunoglobuline si citokine, activitatile enzimelor antioxidante, capacitatea antioxidanta totala si peroxidarea lipidica. Analizele noastre au aratat ca NC-SS nu a modificat concentratiile plasmatice de IgA, IgM si IgG, comparativ cu NC-Control. In schimb, la nivelul duodenului concentratiile de citokine pro-inflamatoare IL-6, IL-1β si TNF-α au fost reduse. Activitatea principalelor enzime antioxidante CAT si GPx nu este modificata de NC-SS, in timp ce SOD a inregistrat o activitate semnificativ mai mare la nivel duodenal la purceii care au primit NC-SS. NC-SS a redus semnificativ nivelul peroxidarii lipidice si a crescut capacitatea antioxidanta totala la nivelul duodenului. In concluzie, srotul de seminte de struguri, prin continutul in compusi bioactivi (polifenoli si fibre), este o sursa alternativa furajera pentru purceii intarcati, avand capacitatea de a reduce raspunsul inflamator la nivel local in duoden si de a modula statusul antioxidant la nivel sistemic si intestinal.