For the antioxidant effect evaluation of a winery by-product - the grape pomace cakes, a 4-week trial was conducted on 180 Lohmann Brown laying hens, aged 52 weeks. The layers were assigned to three groups: a control group (C) and two experimental groups (E1 and E2), with 60 hens/ group, housed in standard Zucami type cages (2 hens/cage). Compared to the control formulation, the experimental formulation included 5% flax meal, enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids and as antioxidants 100 mg vitamin E/kg feed (E1); 2% grape pomace cakes (E2). Forty eggs/group were randomly collected in the end of the trial, 10 eggs/group being stored at +20°C and 10 eggs/group at +4°C, for 14 and 28 days in order to determine their fatty acids content and the quality preservation over time. After 14 days, eggs stored at +4°C has significantly (P<0.05) higher values of the Haugh unit, compared to those from 28 days, with comparable values for both experimental groups and control group. In contrast, the eggs stored at room temperature (+20°C), has lower values of the Haugh unit in both storage periods (14 and 28 days), compared to those stored at +4°C, without significant differences between groups (P>0.05), although experimental groups included flax meal. The results regarding the freshness of the eggs stored in the fridge (+4°C) for 14 days showed a 20% AA eggs in E2 group, while in the other groups were no AA eggs. Only group E2 had 10% eggs, stored at +20°C for 14 days, with grade A freshness, compared to 0% for groups C and E1. The grape pomace cakes had comparable effects with vitamin E on the preservation of egg quality over time, thus it can be affirmed that the grape pomace cake diet is effective in maintaining the quality of eggs enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids over time.
Pentru evaluarea efectului antioxidat al unui subprodus viniviticol - turtele din samburi de struguri s-a realizat un experiment timp de 4 saptamani, pe un numar de 180 de gaini ouatoare, rasa Lohmann Brown, in varsta de 52 de saptamani. Pasarile au fost impartite in 3 loturi, un martor (M) si doua loturi experimentale E1 si E2, a cate 60 capete/lot, cazate in de custi standard tip Zucami (2gaini/cusca). Fata de ratia conventionala C, ratiile experimentale au avut inclus 5% srot in, bogat in acizi grasi polinesaturati si ca antioxidanti: 100 mg vitamina E/kg furaj (E1) respectiv 2% turte din seminte de struguri (E2). La sfarsitul experimentului s-au recoltat randomizat 40 oua/lot dintre care 10 oua/lot pastrate la +20°C si alte 10 oua/lot la +4°C, timp de 14, respectiv 28 de zile in vederea determinarii continutului de acizi grasi si a mentinerii in timp a calitatii lor. Analizand rezultatele obtinute s-au constatat ca in cazul depozitarii la frigider (+4°C) s-au inregistrat valori semnificativ (P<0.05) mai mari ale unitatii Haugh timp de 14 de zile, fata de 28 de zile, cu valori ale loturile experimentale (E1 si E2) comparabile cu cele ale lotului C. In schimb in cazul depozitarii la temperatura camerei (+20°C), fata de cele de la frigider, s-au inregistrat valori mai mici ale unitatii Haugh, in ambele perioade de depozitare, 14 si 28 de zile, fara diferente semnificative (P>0.05) intre loturi, desi loturile experimentale au avut in ratie srot de in. Rezultatele privind gradul de prospetime al oualor mentinute 14 zile in frigider (+4°C) releva faptul ca la lotul E2 a existat un procent de 20 % de oua AA in timp ce la celelalte loturi nu au existat oua AA. Dintre ouale pastrate la +20°C, timp de 14 zile doar la lotul E2 s-au inregistrat 10 % cu gradul de prospetime A fata de 0% la C si E1. Rezultatele obtinute in cazul utilizarii ratiei cu turte din samburi de struguri sunt comparabile cu cele obtinute in cazul ratiei cu vitamina E, astfel se poate afirma faptul ca ratia pentru gaini ouatoare cu turte din samburi de struguri este eficace in mentinerea in timp a calitatii oualor imbogatite in acizi grasi polinesaturati.
Cuvinte cheie: antioxidanti; turte din samburi de struguri; oua; calitate