Main direction of research
Agricultural domain
The scientific research is mainly interdisciplinary and has both a fundamental character and implications regarding applicability, innovation and
technological transfer, in accordance with the present and future requests of agriculture with special view to the Moldavian Plateau but also to
the North-Western mountainous are of Moldavia and Iezer Massif of Făgăraş Mountains.
Strategic directions and basic objectives of short and long-term scientific research:
- fundamental investigations of genetics and vegetal physiology;
- soil evaluation and environmental quality in hydro-amelioration works;
- improvement of agricultural technologies for the main cultivated species;
- economic and ecological implications of the superior use of agricultural land from the hilly areas;
- efficiency increase and quality improvement of degraded permanent meadows;
- creation of lines, varieties and hybrids of high quality and productivity, resistent to diseases, pests and unfavourable natural conditions;
- integrated pest and disease control;
- complex use of non-polluted substances obtained from the aromatic, medicinal and tinctorial flora;
- agroalimentary and agricultural products marketing;
- optimization of the agricultural production structure including all agricultural systems.
Horticultural domain
Prioritary domains of research within the faculty of Horticulture:
- modernization of culture technologies for the main horticultural species under conditions of economic efficiency for
different types of property;
- natural resources management, conservation and protection in the context of durable agricultural promotion;
- continuous amelioration and conservation of the national horticultural biological material, in order to make it adapt to the specific conditions of each culture area;
- elaboration of technologies for obtaining and processing horticultural products in order to increase the quality of final products in accordance with the consumers'
increasingly demanding requests;
- reinforcement of the research regarding disease and pest control and biology of horticultural plants in accordance with the present world-wide requests;
- natural resources evaluation of horticultural ecosystems by determining the main pedoclimatic characteristics;
- studies regarding agricultural land registration, territory organization and soil protection in the context of new forms of property;
- modernization of the energetic basis and related machines under the conditions of practicing an efficient and sustainable agriculture.
Animal Husbandry domain
a) Animal Husbandry specialization:
- genetic improvement of farm animals;
- improvement of animal feeding in order to have high quality products and to ensure the environmental protection;
- improvement of animal product quality, quality management and food safety;
- improvement of technologies of breeding and exploitation of animals in order to ensure comfort in accordance with the European standards;
- conducting behavioural studies, in order to determine the best conditions of animal breeding and exploitation;
- food autonomy and mineral balance within dairy farms for milk cows, according to the production system.
b) Pisciculture Domain:
- genetic improvement of valuable fish varieties;
- piscicultural bio-technologies;
- preservation of piscicultural genotype.
Veterinary Medicine domain
The scientific research tackles all the domains of veterinary medicine, being directed towards:
- cellular and molecular biology;
- food safety and public health;
- fundamental research of animal morpho-physiology and morpho-pathology;
- research regarding animal disease prevention and control.
The major themes of research refer to:
- the viability of endothelial cells in shock syndrome;
- histophysiology of hypothalamus and hypophysis;
- the role of silicon in arteriosclerosis prevention;
- food poisoning caused by: clostridium, Listeria, Campybacter, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella, Staphylococus;
- diseases produced by myco-toxines;
- Orthomyxoviruses' influence on animal pathology;
- the culture and pathology of aquatic organisms (fish, mollusks, crustaceans);
- compared oncology.