Revista Lucrari stiintifice - Seria Agronomie
Schimba limba in Romana
Revista Lucrari stiintifice - Seria Agronomie

Formatting guidelines

All papers must be written according to the Microsoft Word template that you can visualise and save from here:
Microsoft Word template - Formatting rules (.doc)

The present document is a mould that can be used as pattern you can work directly on.
Papers must be written with the Word 7.0 / 2000 text editor, from the Microsoft Office application.

We shall not consider for publishing scientific papers that don't follow formatting rules or don't respect this structure:
- Introduction (without a previous title, right after the abstract),
- Material and method,
- Results and discussions,
- Conclusions,
- Bibliography.


PhD, Prof. Florin Daniel LIPŞA
Faculty of Agriculture Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iasi, Romania
Tel: 0040 232 407.510
Fax: 0040 232 219.175

PhD, Assoc. Prof. Iulian GABUR
Faculty of Agriculture Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iasi, Romania
Tel: 0040 232 407.536
Fax: 0040 232 219.175

Last update: 15 January 2025