Petr KONVALINA - University of South Bohemia České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Ivana CAPOUCHOVÁ - Czech University of Live Sciences, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech Republic
Zdeněk STEHNO - Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic
Pavel HŮDA - University of South Bohemia České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Ladislav BLÁHA - Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic
Jan MOUDRÝ jr., Jan MOUDRÝ - University of South Bohemia České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Current conditions for seed use in the Czech organic farming
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Toto SUNARTO, Sadeli NATASASMITA - Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
Resistance level of some citrus cultivars to the citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans cobb) in West Java, Indonesia
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Mădălina Cristina BURLACU (ARSENE), Anca-Elena CALISTRU, Constantin LEONTE - USAMV Iaşi
Evaluation of the genetic diversity among some oilseed rape Brassica Napus cultivars revealed by RAPD markers compared with morphological traits evaluation
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Tina Oana CRISTEA, Constantin LEONTE - USAMV Iaşi
Preliminary studies regarding the androgenetic response of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea l.) anthers under the influence of basal medium composition
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Florin Daniel LIPŞA - USAMV Iasi
Investigations on the influence of fertilization and maize (Zea mays l.) root exudates on soil microflora
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Viorica IACOB, Eugen ULEA - USAMV Iasi
New parasitic and saprophytic micromycetes on ornamentals plants in Moldovia
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Mihai Alexandru LUCA - USAMV Iaşi
Constantin GAUCA - Agricultural Research and Development Station, Secuieni-Neamt
Liana Doina TOMA, Constantin LEONTE - USAMV Iaşi
Foliar pigments and theyr dynamics during different vegetation phenophases in five cultivars of Cannabis sativa l.
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Andreea MĂNESCU, Mihail LUCA, Claudiu-Augustin ILIŞANU, Simona Adina ALEXANDRESCU - "Gheorghe Asachi" Tehnical University of Iaşi
Concerns for the impact of the minin plants on the water quality of Bistrita river
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Aliona MORARIU, Raluca Petronela CAULET - USAMV Iasi
Morphine content variation in Papaver somniferum l. during phenological development
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Iuliana Cornelia NICULIȚĂ, Mihai NICULIȚĂ - University "Al. I. Cuza", Iasi
Methods for natural land mapping units delineation for agricultural land evaluation
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Servilia OANCEA - USAMV Iasi
Andrei Victor OANCEA - University "Al. I. Cuza", Iasi
Chaos synchronization in three-dimensional systems involved in weather prediction
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Servilia OANCEA, Silvica PADUREANU - USAMV Iasi
Andrei Victor OANCEA - University "Al. I. Cuza", Iasi
Differences in responses of some cereals to UV irradiation
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Silvica PĂDUREANU, Servilia OANCEA - USAMV Iasi
Andrei Victor OANCEA - University "Al. I. Cuza", Iasi
The effect of cold plasma obtained in vacuum on Triticum aestivum l.
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Anişoara STRATU, Bogdan ŞURUBARU, Roxana CIUBOTĂROŞIE, Nicolae ŞTEFAN - University "Al. I. Cuza", Iasi
Ecophysiological aspects of some herbaceous species from Codrii Paşcanilor forest
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Research and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection Bucureşti
Sulfur pollution of soils located into the influence area of coal-fired power station Rovinari
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Dan-Adrian CHELARU, Adrian URSU, Florin Constantin MIHAI - University "Al. I. Cuza", Iasi
The analysis of agricultural landscape change using gis techniques. Case study: Podoleni, Romania
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Cristian HUŢANU - USAMV Iasi
The use of the cadastral information system (CIS) for manage and cadastral database query
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Alexandrina MANEA, Mihail DUMITRU, Irina CALCIU, Nineta RIZEA
National and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection
Influnce of soil acidification on some soil physical properties (water stable aggregates and dispersion)
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Roxana Mihaela ANGHEL - USAMV Iasi
The influence of wax protection film on apple fruits, in order to maintain their quality during cold storage
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Roxana Mihaela ANGHEL - USAMV Iasi
The influence of treatment with high temperature applied on apple fruits, in order to maintain their quality during cold storage
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Gheorghe-Virgil ATODIRESEI - USAMV Iasi
Botanical resources of spontaneous and cultivated flora, with applications in the cosmetics industry
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Gheorghe-Virgil ATODIRESEI - USAMV Iasi
Botanical resources of spontaneous and cultivated flora, with applications in the textile dyes industry
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[full paper]
Mihai BERCA, Cristina Silvia BUZATU - USAMV Bucuresti
Maize answer modelling at nutrition with nitrogen and phosphorous within the romanian space
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Nicuşor BOJA, Florinel BOJA - "Vasile Goldiş" Western University of Arad
Research regarding the influence of the work method on the soil moisture and the water resource in the forestry nursery of iarac
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Lucian BUZDUGAN - TCE 3 Brazi-Neamţ, Insula Mare a Brailei branch
Luxiţa RIŞNOVEANU - Research Station for Agricultural Development Braila
Dumitru NASTASE - Agroprovens Baraganu
Research of adaptability to winter oilseed rape genotypes under alluvial soils Insula Mare a Brailei
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Otilia COTUNA, Veronica SĂRĂŢEANU, Lavinia Mădălina MICU, Doru PETANEC - USAMVB Timisoara
Arbuscular mycorrhizal root colonization of two species from the genus Plantago
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Marius NICULAUA - Oenological Research Center of Romanian Academy – Iaşi branch
Sorina SÂRBU - Fruit Growing Research and Development Station, Iaşi
Roxana FILIMON, Cristina ARION - USAMVB Iasi
Determination of chromatic characteristics of the hydroalcoholic extracts obtained from the fruits of some cherry and sour cherry varieties
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Cornelia LUPU, Margareta NAIE - Agricultural Research and Development Station Secuieni, Secuieni - Neamţ
Research on the effect of wheat yield fertilization in the long term experience at ARDS Secuieni
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Andreea NISTOR, Nicoleta CHIRU, S. RUSU, Mihaela CIOLOCA - NIRDPSB Braşov
Research on the influence of culture technology, for certain potato cultivars in Lazarea - Harghita county, Romania
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[full paper]
Traian Ioan POMOHACI, Margareta NAIE - Agricultural Research and Development Station Secuieni, Secuieni - Neamţ
Seed production of biological categories at top of soybean cultivars and their behavior to soil and climatic conditions at ARDS Secuieni
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Dan D. POPESCU - Bioterra University Bucharest
Are there genetically modified food on the Romanian market?
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Luxiţa RÎŞNOVEANU - Research Station for Agricultural Development Braila
Aspects of winter rape pests population control the fertility management in the conditions agricultural area North-East Baragan
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[full paper]
Luxiţa RÎŞNOVEANU - Research Station for Agricultural Development Braila
Lucian BUZDUGAN - TCE 3 Brazi-Neamţ, Insula Mare a Brailei branch
Some aspects the influence of sowing time of winter olissed rape production in the conditions North- East Baragan
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Liliana ROTARU, Cintia COLIBABA - USAMV Iasi
Ancuţa VASILE, Gabriela PETREA - Station of Research and Development for Viticulture and Wine-making, Iaşi
The influence of some phytotechnical measures on the table grape variety gelu grown in Iaşi vineyard
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Liliana ROTARU, Cintia COLIBABA - USAMV Iasi
The influence of climatic changes on the behaviour of some grape varieties for white wines in Moldavian vineyards
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Impact of agricultures of traffic over phisical of mechanical properties of soil in over crop yield
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Researches regarding the aggresiveness of the active parts over the soil
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[full paper]
Ion Valeriu CIUREA, Constantin IAŢCO - USAMV Iasi
Use of computer-assisted management for –making strategic decisions in the agricultural farms
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[full paper]
Anca DUDAŞ - Universitatea din Oradea
Aspects concerning the tourism and agro tourism potential in Vârtop –Arieşeni area from Apuseni Mountains
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[full paper]
Aurel CHIRAN, Elena GÎNDU, Ion-Valeriu CIUREA, George UNGUREANU - USAMV Iasi
Strategies for tourism development in NE region of Romania
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[full paper]
Romeo Cătălin CREŢU, Liliana POPESCU, Elisabeta SIMA - USAMV Bucuresti
Researches on the impact of the 2011 normative acts on authorising agrotourist guesthouses in Romania
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Florina DODOLOI - USAMV Iasi
Posibilities to improve the forrage base in the suburban area of Iasi using uncultivated soils in order to insure the optimal milk and dairy products
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[full paper]
Corina MATEI GHERMAN - A.G.E. Iasi
Management marketing value engineering and firm performance
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Alina-Petronela HALLER - Romanian Academy – Branch of Iaşi
Motivating factors of liberalization and protectionism decisions in the knowledge-based society
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Alina-Petronela HALLER - Romanian Academy – Branch of Iaşi
Alvin Toffler and the economico-social evolution
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Adelaida Cristina HONTUŞ - USAMV Bucuresti
Before starting the study importance of geotechnical engineering
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Adelaida Cristina HONTUŞ - USAMV Bucuresti
Integrated tourism concept a contribution to regional development in Maramures country
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Cătălina LACHE - "Petre Andrei" University of Iaşi
Elena Lidia ALEXA - Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi
Particular aspects of the tourist products consumers’ loyalty
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Emilian MERCE, Cristian C. MERCE, Diana E. DUMITRAŞ - USAMV Cluj-Napoca
The interwar agriculture: ideal or trap
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Marilena MIRONIUC, Ioan-Bogdan ROBU, Mihai CARP - Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi
Empirical study on the identification and analysis of a profile of the agricultural companies
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The elaboration of a specialized french language program: analysis of the methodological preliminaries
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[full paper]
Gabriela-Paula PETRUŢA - University of Piteşti
Students opinion concerning realization of interdisciplinary correlations within the sciences lessons
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Cecilia POP - USAMV Iasi
P.G. COSTIN - Sanitar-Veterinary Direction from Iaşi
D.S. ŞTEF - USAMVB Timisoara
Ioan Mircea POP - USAMV Iasi
The evolution of non-animal food production sector in Iasi county under the european norms on food quality and safety
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Liliana POPESCU, Romeo Cătălin CREŢU, Elisabeta SIMA - USAMV Bucuresti
Researches into the spanish tourist policy aimed at developing agrotourism
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Alexandru-Mihnea SPIRIDONICĂ - The "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi
The use of statistical process control in pharmaceuticals industry
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National Institute of Research & Development for Optoelectronics 2000 – Hydraulics & Pneumatics Research Institute
Roxana Dana BUCUR - USAMV Iasi
Technology and devices for liquid pressure pipeline interventions in livestock farms
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PhD, Prof. Florin Daniel LIPŞA
Faculty of Agriculture Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iasi, Romania
Tel: 0040 232 407.510
Fax: 0040 232 219.175
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Iulian GABUR
Faculty of Agriculture Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iasi, Romania
Tel: 0040 232 407.536
Fax: 0040 232 219.175
Last update: 15 July 2024