University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Organic seed production in the Czech Republic
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University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Greenhouse gases emissions from oat production within conventional and organic farming
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University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Maize production for energy purposes - the emission load
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Irina Gabriela CARA, Gerard JITĂREANU - USAMV Iaşi
Residues of acetochlor herbicide in soybean and soil in Moldavian field
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Valeriu MOCA, Feodor FILIPOV - USAMV Iaşi
The 21st edition of the national conference on soil science "The Historical Banat: soil, agriculture, traditions", 23-28 august 2015, Timisoara
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Valeriu MOCA, Feodor FILIPOV , Oprea RADU, Cristian HUŢANU - USAMV Iaşi
Update of soil maps where draining and underground pipe drainage systems were introduced based on the Romanian soil taxonomy system (SRTS-2012, 2012+)
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Daniel CUREA - Oficiul pentru Studii Pedologice Iaşi
Land suitability of Comarna cathement basin for cherries trees
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Ioan ROTAR, Florin PĂCURAR, Anca PLEŞA, Ágnes BALÁZSI - USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Low mineral fertilization on grassland after 6 years
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Esmeralda CHIORESCU - USAMV Iaşi
Paula COJOCARU - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Hydrological and hydraulic research for re-equipping an irrigated plot with pressurized pipelines
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Esmeralda CHIORESCU, Daniel BUCUR, Feodor FILIPOV - USAMV Iaşi
Mathematical model for vertical distribution of velocity in channels. A case study
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Andreea-Mihaela BĂLĂU, Florin-Daniel LIPȘA, Eugen ULEA - USAMV Iaşi
The fungal load evaluation of some wheat varieties kernels in storage conditions
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Mihail ANĂSTĂSOAEI, Ilie LOGIGAN - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Aspects of sprinkling irrigation on slopes
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Elena TROTUŞ, Simona Florina POCHIŞCANU, Alexandra-Andreea BUBURUZ, Margareta NAIE - S.C.D.A. Secuieni, Neamţ
Research regarding the evolution of Autographa gamma L. species in center of Moldavia conditions
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Alexandra LEONTE - S.C.D.A. Secuieni, Neamţ
Teodor ROBU - USAMV Iaşi
Constantin GĂUCĂ, Simona POCHIŞCANU - S.C.D.A. Secuieni, Neamţ
Production results obtained at monoecious hemp variaties for fiber after "Secuieni method"
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Mihai Valentin HERBEI, Florin SALA - USAMVB Timişoara
Modern methods of implementation and interpretation of digital terrain model
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Gabriela BIALI, Vasile Lucian PAVEL - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Implementation of GIS techniques in the forecast of soil erosion in the water catchment Antohesti, Bacau county
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Gabriela BIALI, Paula COJOCARU - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Astrid Roberta MARTINAS - USAMV Iasi
Studies on expansion of degradation processes in agricultural landplots in Iaşi, Bacău and Vaslui counties
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Mihaela CARDEI, Dan PADURE - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Creating a informational cadastral system for the unincorporated areas
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Giorgiana Mihaela CĂTUNESCU, Ioan ROTAR, Roxana VIDICAN, Florina BUNGHEZ - USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Use of preference maps to evaluate the effect of cold storage on sensory quality of aromatic herbs
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Horatiu-Iulian HOGAS, Mihaela CARDEI, Constantin BOFU, Iuliana-Gabriela LUPU - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Analysis of the land inventory works by 165/2013 law from the perspective of introducing the sistematic cadastre
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Daniel LEPADATU, Loredana JUDELE, Gabriel SANDULACHE - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Viorica MOCREAC - Agricultural University of Moldova, Chisinau
Statistical analysis of price evolution for residential land of urban cadaster of Iasi
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Daniel DUNEA - "Valahia" University of Târgoviste
Niculae DINCĂ - USAMV Bucharest
Aboveground biomass partitioning in red clover canopy
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Margareta NAIE, Vasile VÎNTU (coord.) - USAMV Iasi
Elena TROTUŞ - SCDA Secuieni Neamt
The behaviour of some mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes exploited in mixed regime under Center of Moldova conditions
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Adalbert OKROS, Georgeta POP , Simona NIȚĂ, Lucian Dumitru NIȚĂ, Lucian BOTOȘ
USAMVB "Regele Mihai I al României", Timisoara
The agriculture system from the Sânpetru Mare commune, Timiș county
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Adalbert OKROS, Georgeta POP , Simona NIȚĂ, Lucian Dumitru NIȚĂ, Lucian BOTOȘ
USAMVB "Regele Mihai I al României", Timisoara
A presentation of the Balin locality area agricultural system, Timiș county
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Marin PANĂ, Stelica CRISTEA, Mali Sanda MANOLE - USAMV Bucharest
Sorina CERNAT - Agriculture Research and Development Station Teleorman
Cristinel ZALA, Lavinia Mariana BERCA - USAMV Bucharest
Research on the influence of temperature, light and culture media on growth and development of pyrenophora teres fungus (in vitro)
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Vladimir ROTARU - Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Ana BIRSAN - Moldova State University, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Irina IVANTOVA - Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Effects of phosphorus fertilizer and plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria on the chlorophyll and nitrogen content in soybean under sufficient and low water supply
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Tatiana SANDU, Alina-Elena TROFIN, Roberto-Renato BERNARDIS, Nicoleta-Luminiţa PARASCHIV - USAMV Iaşi
Issues regarding the ecological forestry reconstruction of the degraded land inside Podu-Iloaiei forest district, Iași county
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Andrei SIURIS - "Nicolae Dimo" Institute of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Soil Protection, Chişinău, Moldova
Quantitative and qualitative changes in humus at use of waste from the production of alcoholic beverages
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Victor ŢÎŢEI, Alexandru TELEUŢĂ - Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chişinău, Republic Moldova
The perspective of cultivation and utilization of the hybrid Rumex tianschanicus × Rumex patientia in Moldova
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Victor ŢÎŢEI, Alexandru TELEUŢĂ - Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chişinău, Republic Moldova
Valentina COŞMAN - Institute of Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of M.A.F.I., Chişinău, Republic Moldova
Aurelia LUPAN - Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chişinău, Republic Moldova
Sergiu COŞMAN - Institute of Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of M.A.F.I., Chişinău, Republic Moldova
Some biological peculiarities and biochemical composition of the species Lupinus perennis L. in the Republic of Moldova
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Alexandru TOMESCU, Cristian RUS, Georgeta POP, Ersilia ALEXA, Isidora RADULOV, Ilinca Merima IMBREA, Monica NEGREA
USAMVB Timişoara
Researches regarding proximate and selected elements composition of some medicinal plants belonging to the Lamiaceae family
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Liudmila LINDA, Vavil CARAGIA, Tatiana SARANDI
Practical Scientific Institute of Horticulture and Food Technology, Laboratory of Food Technology, Moldova
The prospect of using the carrot of increased carotene content in functional foods
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Ana Elisabeta DARABAN (OROS), Stefana JURCOANE - USAMV Bucharest
Valorisation of miscanthus giganteus biomass and agricultural residues for sustainable suplly of thermal energy in rural areas
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Cătalin SEBE - S.C. Saaten Union Romania S.R.L.
Ioan ROȘCA - USAMV Bucharest
Results obtained in field trials for wheat cultivars in 3 different region of Romania
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Antonio-Romeo LOMBARDI - SC LOMBARDI AGRO SRL, Macin, Tulcea County
Lenuta Iuliana EPURE, Gheorghe Valentin ROMAN, Maria TOADER - USAMV Bucharest
Experimental results regarding damaging organisms control in soybean crops of Northern Dobrudja
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Silvia Brîndușa HAMBURDĂ, Neculai MUNTEANU, Vasile STOLERU,
Gabriel Ciprian TELIBAN, Florina-Maria GALEA (DELEANU) - USAMV Iasi
Experimental results on economic efficiency of runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) in pure crop system
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Silvia Brîndușa HAMBURDĂ, Neculai MUNTEANU, Vasile STOLERU,
Gabriel Ciprian TELIBAN, Florina-Maria GALEA (DELEANU) - USAMV Iasi
Economic efficiency assessment of runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) in intercropping system
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Steluța RADU, Oana-Cristina VOINEA - USAMV Iasi
The optimization of the ratio of potentially anti-carcinogenic vegetable fibres in cereals, flours and farinaceous products in the North-East of Romania
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Steluța RADU, Oana-Cristina VOINEA - USAMV Iasi
Research on the preservation of locally innovated products obtained from fresh water fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family
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Otilia Cristina MURARIU - USAMV Iasi
Research regarding the influence of storage condition on broccoli vitamin C content
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Aurel CHIRAN, Elena GÎNDU, Andy-Felix JITĂREANU, Daniel CIUBOTARU, Cătălin-Răzvan VÎNTU - USAMV Iasi
Some aspects regarding the wine market, worldwide and in Romania
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Elena GÎNDU, Aurel CHIRAN, Ştefan VIZITEU, Andy-Felix JITĂREANU, Benedicta DROBOTĂ - USAMV Iasi
Study regarding the purchase and consumption behavior for bread of Iaşi county population (case study)
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Andy Felix JITĂREANU, Elena GÎNDU, Aurel CHIRAN - USAMV Iasi
Planning the marketing activity on the Romanian food market (case study at S.C. Kosarom S.A. Paşcani)
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Maria-Simona CUCIUREANU - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Iași
Dynamic sectors of activity-a landmark of economic competitiveness. Case study: Botosani county
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Maria-Simona CUCIUREANU - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Iași
Agriculture in the post-communist period-between sustenance and modernization. Case study: Botosani county
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Loredana Andreea POPOIU, Raluca MITROI - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi
Environmental status of small and medium barrier lakes
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Gabriela-Paula PETRUŢA - University of Piteşti
Possibilities for the use of mini-portfolio in biology
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Carmen-Mariana MIHALACHE - USAMV Iaşi
Policies regulating liability civil servant in the european union socio-political consequances
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Some considerations on visual communication and production of meaning in plant kingdom
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Choice of studying English by the first year students of UASVM. Motivations, acquisition level, influence factors
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Andreea MORARU, Roxana Florina MUNTEANU - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
"Workforce deruralization" - a consequence of migration with implication over agriculture
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Marilena DONCEAN - Romanian Academy – Iasi branch, "Gh. Zane" Institute of Economic and Social Research
The Moldavian folk costume - an ethno-cultural unit of high value for research, history and art
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Marilena DONCEAN - Romanian Academy – Iasi branch, "Gh. Zane" Institute of Economic and Social Research
Ancient symbols of the uniqueness of folk masks
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PhD, Prof. Florin Daniel LIPŞA
Faculty of Agriculture Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iasi, Romania
Tel: 0040 232 407.510
Fax: 0040 232 219.175
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Iulian GABUR
Faculty of Agriculture Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iasi, Romania
Tel: 0040 232 407.536
Fax: 0040 232 219.175
Last update: 15 July 2024