Maria CAUŞ, Christine BRANDT - Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology, Moldovan Academy of Sciences, Chişinău, Moldova
Bettina EICHLER-LOEBERMANN - Rostock University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Rostock, Germany
Combined effects of drought and phosphorous deficiency on physiological and biochemical indices of soybean plants
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Ana Maria DODOCIOIU, Romulus MOCANU, Marian DOBRE - University of Craiova
Researches on nutrient losses mitigation from farming sloppy land
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Ana Maria DODOCOIU, Romulus MOCANU, Marian DOBRE - University of Craiova
The influence of several fertilizer rates on the quality of wheat flour on cambic chernozem from A.R.D.S. Caracal
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Ionut DROBOTĂ, Teodor ROBU, Benedicta DROBOTĂ - USAMV Iaşi
Behavior of actual corn hybrids (Zea mays l.) in drought and heat conditions
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Lenuta Iuliana EPURE, Gheorghe Valentin ROMAN, Nikolaus GEORGIOPOULOS - USAMV Bucureşti
Study on field crops current status in balkan countries
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Cristina Elena IURCIUC, Daniela ROŞCA - Universitatea Tehnică "Gh. Asachi" Iaşi
Theoretical aspects of advanced methods of wastewater treatment in order to eliminate pollutants from surface waters
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Adriana LAZĂR (NECHITA), Constantin LEONTE, Elena-Ancuţa LUPU, I. NECHITA - USAMV Iaşi
Research on artificial infection to sunflower leaves grown in conditions of the Ezăreni Farm
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Land evaluation for grassland use from Ampoi Basin under natural and heavy metal pollution conditions
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Andreea MĂNESCU, Mihail LUCA - Universitatea Tehnică "Gh. Asachi" Iaşi
Aspects of the physical and chemical parameters influence on the Trotuş river water quality
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Andreea Georgiana MOVILĂ, Ionut VASILINIUC - UAIC Iaşi
Considerations on land use and land degradation in Jijia’s upper catchment (Hilişeu county)
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Mihaela Ileana OPREA, Manuela-Elena CONCIOIU - USAMV Bucureşti
Observations regarding in vitro and in vivo rooting of 'mme. Lemoine', 'charles joly' and 'sensation' lilac cultivars
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Luxia RÎŞNOVEANU, Nicoleta AXINTI, Alina CIOROMELE - "Dunarea de Jos" University, Galaţi, Faculty of Engineering Brăila
Some aspects of population control of harmful species in winter rape crops in Câmpia Brăilei
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Luxia RÎŞNOVEANU - Agricultural Research and Development Station Brăila
Carmen BURTEA - "Dunarea de Jos" University, Galaţi, Faculty of Engineering Brăila
Aspects population control ceuthorrynchus quadridens in the agricultural in area of Nord Eastern Bărăgan
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Alexandru-Mihnea SPIRIDONICĂ, Cornel IFTIME - Universitatea Tehnică "Gh. Asachi" Iaşi
A statistical analysis of wind speed data from a specific site in order of optimal operating of wind turbines
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Alexandru-Mihnea SPIRIDONICĂ - Universitatea Tehnică "Gh. Asachi" Iaşi
Luciana Elena ISNOVOIU - "Lunca Cetăţuii" Secondary School, Iaşi, Romania
A statistical analysis of distribution of unemployment in Romania, between 1991-2010
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Anişoara STRATU, Bodgan Codrin ŞURUBARU, Diana CAPMARE, Mihai COSTICĂ - Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iaşi
Preliminary aspects regarding some physico-chemical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water in the şorogari creek
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Influence of temperature and geometry in the kinetics of drying pears
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Octavian BASTON, Octavian BARNA - "Dunarea de Jos" University, Galaţi
Alternative assessment of raw broiler meat freshness
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Octavian BASTON, Octavian BARNA - "Dunarea de Jos" University, Galaţi
Quality analysis of raw broiler carcasses along a cold chain
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Ramona BEŞLEAGĂ - Station for Research-Development in fruit Growing, Iaşi
Eugen CÂRDEI - Station for Research-Development in fruit Growing, Iaşi
The influence of summer temperatures on the evolution of mined insects
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Nicuşor BOJA, Florinel BOJA - "Vasile Goldiş" Western University of Arad
Alin TEUŞDEA - University of Oradea
Determination of the uniformity of spraying the sprinkler irrigation in the forestry nursery
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Mihai Bogdan CÎMPANU - Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture
Managerial strategies concerning the optimisation of agricultural units from Botoşani county (case study at S.C. Multiagra S.R.L. Vlăsineşti, Botoşani county)
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Mihai Bogdan CÎMPANU - Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture
Trends concerning agriculture reorganisation and development in Botoşani county after 1990
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Viorela CODOI, Ramona IANCU - "Lucian Blaga" University
Promotion of traditional products from Sibiu
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Viorela-Maria CODOI, Ovidiu TITA, Otto KETNEY, Ramona IANCU - "Lucian Blaga" University
Study of grape juice lyophilisation obtained from rose and white grapes
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Anca COLIBABA - EuroEd Foundation; "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi
Monica VLAD - EuroEd Foundation
Language rich europe: multilingualism policies implementation in the European Union
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Anca COLIBABA - EuroEd Foundation; "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi
Monica VLAD - EuroEd Foundation
Encouraging quality in language education
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Ştefan COLIBABA - "Al. I. Cuza" University / EuroEd Foundation, Iaşi, Romania
Andreea CLEMINTE - EuroEd Foundation, Iaşi, Romania
Anca COLIBABA - EuroEd Foundation; "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi
Claudia DINU - "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi
Migrants’ integration processes in EU – first steps in their new home countries (case study: Integra project) .
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Ştefan COLIBABA - "Al. I. Cuza" University / EuroEd Foundation, Iaşi, Romania
Camelia GAVRILĂ - Iaşi School Inspectorate, Romania
Andreea CLEMINTE - EuroEd Foundation, Iaşi, Romania
Elvira ROTUNDU - "Costache Negruzzi" College, Iaşi, Romania
Nicoleta MUNTEANU - National College, Iaşi, Romania
Comprehension and strategic tackling of bullying phenomen in schools (case study: I am not scared project) .
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Maria-Simona CUCIUREANU - "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iaşi, Romania
Importance of road infrastrucuture in rural developement Botosani
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Cristian Laurentiu DRAGOMIR - USAMV Bucureşti
Ioana STERE, Ion STERE - Agricultural Research and Development Station, Valu lui Traian, Constanţa
Results regarding the behavior of certain romanian and foreign corn hybrids, in the conditionds from Dogorgea, at different levels of water supply
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Diana Elena DUMITRAŞ, Ionel Mugurel JITEA, Felix H. ARION - USAMV Bucureşti
Management planning based on visitors’ profile: the case of romanian national and natural parks
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Gheorghe DUMITRIU, Constanta DUMITRIU, Iulia Cristina TIMOFTI - "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău
Initial training and certification for the teaching profession, between desideratum and achievement
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Irina GHEORGHIU - "Albert Ludwigs" University, Freiburg, Germany
Eliza GHEORGHIU - EuroEd Foundation; "Vasile Alecsandri" Highschool, Iaşi
Stefan COLIBABA - EuroEd Foundation; "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iaşi
Keeping foreign language learning fresh and exciting via the ISPY project platform
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Irina GHEORGHIU - "Albert Ludwigs" University, Freiburg, Germany
Anca Cristina COLIBABA - "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi
Oana MIHOCI - EuroEd Foundation, Iaşi
Removing barriers to meeting special educational needs
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Adelaida Cristina HONTUŞ - USAMV Bucureşti
Tourist traffic analysis in house "Sunshine" from the Breaza Prahova
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Adelaida Cristina HONTUŞ - USAMV Bucureşti
Rural tourism promotion analysis by county road travel Suceava
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Ionel Mugurel JITEA, Diana Elena DUMITRAŞ, Cristian Călin MERCE, Felix Horatiu ARION
- USAMV Cluj-Napoca
An impact analysys of the common agriculture policy on the Romanian agricultural structures. A statistical approach
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Mihail LUCA - Universitatea Tehnică "Gh. Asachi", Iaşi
Lucian Alexandru LUCA - S.C. PROING-CONSULT S.R.L., Braşov
Heat systems of the glass house
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Aurel LUP - Universitatea "Ovidius", Constanţa
Constantin CHIRILĂ - Deputy Chamber
Agriculture in dobrogea from Ion Ionescu de la Brad until the European Integration. Historical highlights
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Costică LUPU - "Vasile Alecsandri" University, Bacău
Methods mathematical proof. Deductive method
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Marilena MIRONIUC, Mihai CARP, Ioan-Bogdan ROBU, Mihaela-Alina ROBU
- "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
Empirical study on the solutions for rendering the activities of the Romanian agricultural companies more effective
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Marilena MIRONIUC, Mihaela-Alina ROBU, Ioan-Bogdan ROBU, Mihai CARP
- "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
Exploratory study of the analysis of the performance of stock exchange quoted companies, per activity fields
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Gabriel Claudiu MURSA - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
The social phenomena and the utility of macroeconomic models
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Gabriel Claudiu MURSA - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
Scarcity and adaptive behavior
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Ana - Maria OIŞTE, Iuliana Gabriela BREABĂN - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
Analysis of relief Iasi city and urban environment quality, using GIS techniques
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Leontina PĂVĂLOAIA - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
The influence of green certificate system over the electrical energy market
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Leontina PĂVĂLOAIA - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
Aspects regarding the application of sustainable society index in Romania
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Lucia PETRESCU - EuroEd Foundation, Iaşi
Anca COLIBABA - EuroEd Foundation; "Gr. T. Popa" University, Iaşi
Ştefan COLIBABA - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University; EuroEd Foundation, Iaşi
MYSTORY & ISPY using online support to increase accessibility
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Lucia PETRESCU - EuroEd Foundation, Iaşi
Monica VLAD - EuroEd Foundation, Iaşi
CVE – corporate volunteering
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Laura Cătălina IMIRAŞ, Bogdan NICHIFOR, Luminita ZAI - "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău
Evolution of organic agriculture - a response to european consumer requirements
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Laura Cătălina IMIRAŞ, Luminita ZAI, Bogdan NICHIFOR - "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău
Agrifood sector place in the European Union foreign trade
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Adriana Nicoleta UNGURAŞU, Florentina Daniela ANEI, Florian STĂTESCU
- "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi
Estimation of soil hydraulic parameters with the help of Rosetta program
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Prof. dr. Florin Daniel LIPŞA
Facultatea de Agricultură Iaşi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iaşi, Romania
Tel: 0232 407.510
Fax: 0232 219.175
Conf. dr. Iulian GABUR
Facultatea de Agricultură Iaşi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iaşi, Romania
Tel: 0232 407.536
Fax: 0232 219.175
Ultima actualizare: 15 iulie 2024