The objectives of the project are:

- Characterize economically important raspberry and blackberry cultivars grown under different environmental conditions through differences in genomic, physiological and biochemical profile.

- Establish  advanced methodologies to investigate changes in the genomic and metabolomic profile in relation to photosynthetic apparatus bioenergetics induced in fruit tree species under various environmental conditions.

- Process and disseminate research data concerning the effects of abiotic stress factors on genome structure and function in blackberry and raspberry plants and the relation to fruit quality and production.

- Growth of a world class horticultural research center within the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi through innovative research and technological development that qualitively and quantitatively increases the knowledge base for research and applied data in our subject and related fields.  

The implementation of these research project objectives will provide scientifically important data about the perception and processing of environmental signals at the molecular and cellular level. This research project will help elucidate the mechanisms by which sub-optimal culture conditions and genotype affect gene expression, bioenergetics and molecular structure of photosynthetic apparatus, proteins, secondary metabolites biosynthesis, and ultimately, phenotype and plant productivity. With the information obtained our project can establish selection criteria for highly productive raspberry and blackberry cultivars related to the climatic conditions and soil characteristics for the regional variations in cultivation.

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Structural Instruments
2007 - 2013