The nuts meal obtained from oil extraction is among the plant by-products of interest as feed ingredients, due to their high feeding value. The chemical determinations have shown that this batch of nut meal had a high protein content (29.13%), with 11.49 MJ/kg metabolisable energy, also being a natural source of antioxidants (112.536 mM Trolox/g antioxidant capacity). From the total content of crude fat (15.15%) of the nut meal, 70.79% are polyunsaturated fatty acids. An experiment was conducted for 4 weeks on 80 Lohmann Brown layers (75 weeks), assigned to two groups (C and E) according to their body weight. The birds were housed in an experimental hall with controlled micro climate and 16 h light regimen. Feed intake, feed conversion ratio, laying percentage and egg weight were monitored throughout the experiment. At the end of the trial, 18 eggs were collected from each group, and egg quality was determined. The laying percentage was significantly (p≤0.05) higher in group E (83.66±8.36%), (nut meal treatment), than in group C (77.58±9.25%). Omega 3 fatty acids concentration in the yolk of the eggs from group E (2.44 g/100g total fatty acids) was significantly (p≤0.05) higher than in group C (1.48 g/100g total fatty acids). The antioxidant capacity in the yolk was higher (p≤0.05) in group E (88.404 mM Trolox/g) than in group C (79.171 mM Trolox/g), while the pH was higher (p≤0.05) in group C (6.46) than in group E (6.31).
Printre subprodusele vegetale de interes pentru valorificare in hrana animalelor, datorita valorii nutritionale ridicate, se numara si srotul de nuca obtinut in urma procesului de extracţie a uleiului. Determinarile chimice au aratat ca srotul de nuca experimentat s-a caracterizat printr-un continut ridicat de proteina (29,13%), energie metabolizabila (11,49 MJ/kg) si este o sursa naturala de antioxidanti (112,536 mM Trolox/g capacitate antioxidanta). Din continutul de grasime bruta (15,15%) al srotului de nuca, 70,79% sunt acizi grasi polinesaturati. Experimentul s-a derulat timp de 4 saptamani pe 80 gaini Lohmann Brown (75 saptamani), lotizate in functie de greutate, in 2 loturi (C si E). Pasarile au fost cazate intr-o hala experimentala cu microclimat controlat si program de 16 h lumina/24h. S-au urmarit consumurile, intensitate ouat, greutate oua. La final au fost recoltate 18 oua/lot pentru determinarea calitatii oualor. Prin utilizarea srotului de nuca in hrana gainilor ouatoare, intensitatea la ouat la lotul E (83,66±8,36%) a fost semnificativ (p≤0.05) mai mare fata de lotul C (77,58±9,25%). Concentratia de acizi grasi omega 3 in galbenus la lotul E (2.44 g/100g total ac grasi) a fost mai mare (p≤0.05) fata de lotul C (1,48 g/100g total ac grasi ). In galbenus, capacitatea antioxidanta la lotul E (88,404 mM Trolox/g) a fost mai mare (p≤0.05) decat la lotul C (79,171 mM Trolox/g) in timp ce pH-ul la C (6,46) a fost mai mare (p≤0.05) decat la lotul E (6,31).
Cuvinte cheie: gaini, srot nuca, performante, oua, calitate