2017 - Volumul 67
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Performance evaluation for the production of meat at young goats
Pascal C., Nechifor I., Costică C., Florea M.
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Case study on the implementation of traceability and the decision to buy fishery products
Nicolae Carmen Georgeta, Marin Monica Paula, Pogurschi Elena, Bahaciu Gratziela Victoria, Moga Liliana Mihaela, Nenciu Magda
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Growth, survival rate, and number of marketable fish produced of gold fish, Carassius auratus (L.) in outdoor earthen ponds with endogenous culture of Daphnia sp. or Moina sp. and exogenous supply of mixed plankton
Prithwiraj Jha
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Body mass index dynamics and behavioral changes in Swiss mice receiving brilliant blue FCF (E 133) and azorubine (E 122) in drinking water
Radu-Rusu Cristina Gabriela, Pop M.I.
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Researches regarding the improvement of milk production at the goats of Carpathian breed
Cutova N., Zamfir Camelia Zoia, Nicolescu Alina, Jitariu Daniela, Enciu Ana, Stanciu Maria, Pivodă Carmen Ana
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Optimization of the technologies of exploiting sheep and goats with the purpose of making the exploitations more valuable
Nicolescu Alina, Cutova N., Zamfir Camelia Zoia, Stanciu Maria, Enciu Ana, Pivodă Carmen Ana
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Prediction of liveweight of Holstein and Brown Swiss cattle grown in an 12 month intensive beef production system by using real-time body measurements
Bozkurt Yalçin, Varban Stepan, Dogan Cihan
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Research on the influence of light and compound feed upon production performance in the period after the laying peak of quails from Balotesti population
Ioniţă L., Pană C.O., Popescu-Micloşanu Elena, Nica G.
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Association between botanical composition and biomass quantity of grasslands and NIR reflectance by using NDVI
Bozkurt Yalçin
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Effect of cages type and mating management on fertility and hatchability of Japanese quail
El-Sheikh, T.M., N.M. Essa, M.A., Elsagheer
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The length curls - important character in selection of Karakul lambs
Buzu I.
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Estimation of breeding activity for the Karakul of Botosani breed
Florea M.A., Nechifor I., Pascal C.
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New nutritional supplements for bees during deficient harvesting periods
Cebotari Valentina, Buzu I., Gliga Olesea, Postolachi Olga
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Study on the nutritional quality of hens meat reared in free-range system
Frunză Gabriela, Pop Cecilia
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Business profile of drake culture in West Java
Taslim Dawan, Sjafril Darana
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Influence of refrigeration, freezing and de-freezing method on the chemical composition, caloricity and certain rheological-textural traits of poultry meat
Radu-Rusu R.M.
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Isolation and identification of bacteria from banana stem bioprocess result as Direct Fed Microbial for ruminant
Bambang Kholiq Mutaqin, U. Hidayat Tanuwiria, Elvia Hernawan, Ratu Safitri
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Haematological and serum biochemical changes associated with bacteriological infection in Acipenser gueldenstaedtii reared in intensive condition
Docan Angelica, Grecu Iulia, Creţu Mirela, Antache Alina, Dediu Lorena
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Studies on strength of an optimal solution essential oil of clove mixed with alcohol required for anesthesia species Cyprinus carpio
Cioran M.C., Pagu I.B., Măgdici E., Barbacariu A.C., Păsărin B.
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Analysis of the implementation of quality schemes of food products in the European Union
Pop Cecilia, Scripnic Elena, Lăpuşneanu D.M.
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Research regarding quality conditions of some raw-dried salami
Raţu Roxana, Usturoi M.G.
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Analysis of sunflower oil sold in the northeast of Romania
Hoha G.V., Nistor C.E., Costăchescu Elena, Păsărin B.
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The dynamics of the microbial load of the edible offals of poultry stored under refrigerated conditions
Druc Paula Viorela, Hriscu (Ursu) Elena, Usturoi M.G.
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Analysis of touristy movement in Vrancea county
Simeanu Cristina, Simeanu D., Şonea C., Păsărin B.
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Seasonals particularity of the reproductive performances of domestic rabbits and opportunities of their recovery
Granaci Vera
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Genetic determinism estimate for the mastitis resistance in Romanian Buffalo
Popa Dana, Vidu Livia, Popa R., Mărginean Gh., Defta Nicoleta, Băcilă V., Bota A.
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
The potential of some Romanian zeolites to improve bioeconomy results
Pogurschi Elena, Marin Monica, Zugravu Corina, Nicolae Carmen Georgeta
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Effect of using nuts meal in diet formulations on layer performance and egg quality
Panaite Tatiana Dumitra, Criste Rodica Diana, Ropota Mariana, Olteanu Margareta, Mitoi Monica, Varzaru Iulia, Untea Arabela
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The influence of feeding intensity on growth performance of rainbow trout juvenils
Creţu Mirela, Cristea V., Dediu Lorena, Andrei (Guriencu) Raluca Cristina
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Estimation of growth and mortality parameters of the Pontic shad (Alosa immaculata Bennett, 1835) in Romanian section of the Danube river
Ibănescu Daniela Cristina, Popescu Adina, Nica Aurelia
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Study regarding the breeding activity of Cal de Bucovina population
Iacob L., Viziteu C., Şonea C.G., Doliş M.G., Nacu G., Nistor C.E.
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Imprinting in foals and the importance of first contact with human
Köntés E., Pop I.M.
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Issues on applying for interdisciplinary educational projects in the educational partnership of agronomy students for teaching practice
Brezuleanu Carmen Olguţa, Mihalache Roxana, Neculau B., Axinte Lorica
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)
Study regarding the honey-bearing potential of Miroslava village, Iaşi county
Şonea C.G., Lazăr Şt., Iacob L., Viziteu C., Doliş M.G., Nistor C.E.
Abstract Full Paper (PDF file)