Lucrări științifice:
Număr total: 98, din care 12 publicate în reviste indexate ISI ,
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- Stan Nistor, Munteanu Nicolae, Ungureanu Gina, Stan Teodor, Ungureanu Ovidiu (2001) - Floral Morphogenesis of Tomato Plants Subjected to Application of Bioactive Substances. Plant physiology : characteristics, breeding, and genetics / editors Ramdane Dris, Catherine Bary-Ryan, Science Publishers,U.S.. ISBN1578082404, pg.21-24
- Teodor N. STAN, Vasile V. STOLERU*, Neculai C. MUNTEANU - The Segmentation of the Consumers’ Perception Towards Organic and Conventional Vegetables. A Study of Romania, Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg Journal (ISSN: 0007-5922; ISI Indexed, Impact Factor: 0.106)*, Volume 65 (10) 2015 of the Journal, pg 14-31.
- Stan T, Munteanu N, Teliban GC, Cojocaru A, Stoleru V - Fertilization Management Improves the Yield and Capsaicinoid Content of Chili Peppers. AGRICULTURE-BASEL, Volume11, Issue2 , Article Number181, DOI10.3390/agriculture11020181, PublishedFEB 2021, eISSN:2077-0472. IF 2,925
- MADALINA NICOLETA MATEI1, IULIA CHISCOP1*, KAMEL EARAR, MIHAELA MOISEI1, DANIEL MARECI2, LUCIA CARMEN TRINCA3, TEODOR STAN3, CORNEL MUNTEANU4, MARIANA PACURAR5, MARIANA ILIE1- Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of NiTiNb Orthodontic Wires in Tomato Juice. REV.CHIM.(Bucharest)♦66♦No.12♦2015, pg 2009-2012. impact factor 0.81
- C. Trinc a*, D. Mareci, N. CimpoeSsu, M. C alin and T. Stan - Influence of hydrogen peroxide on the corrosion of thermally oxidized ZrTi alloys in phosphate-buffered saline solution. Materials and Corrosion 2016, XXX, No. XXX DOI: 10.1002/maco.201508785, impact factor2015-1.373, Online ISSN: 1521-4176,
- Dimitriu, DC; Stoleru, V; Corciova, A; Vlase, L ; Stan, T; Jitareanu, A; Munteanu, N; Rotaru, L ; Patras, A - p-COUMARIC ACID CONTENT IN SWEET PEPPER UNDER FARMING METHODS. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, ISSN :1582-9596, Volume15,Issue8, Page1841-1848, 2016-12-07,IF 0,916
- Stoleru, V ; Munteanu, N; Stan, T; Ipatioaie, C; Cojocaru, A; Butnariu, M - Effects of production system on the content of organic acids in Bio rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum L.). ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume24Issue1 Page184-192, DOI10.25083/rbl/24.1/184.192 PublishedJAN-FEB 2019, ISSN:1224-5984. IF 0765
- Cojocaru, A; Munteanu, N; Petre, BA ; Stan, T ; Teliban, GC ; Vintu, C ; Stoleru, V - Biochemical and Production of Rhubarb Under Growing Technological Factors. REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Volume70,Issue6,Page2000-2003,PublishedJUN 2019,Indexed2019-08-02, ISSN :0034-7752. IF 1,755
- Cojocaru, A; Vlase, L; Munteanu, N; Stan, T; Teliban, GC; Burducea, M ; Stoleru, V - Dynamic of Phenolic Compounds, Antioxidant Activity, and Yield of Rhubarb under Chemical, Organic and Biological Fertilization. PLANTS-BASEL, Volume9, Issue3, Article Number 355, DOI10.3390/plants9030355, PublishedMAR 2020, Indexed2020-04-24 ,eISSN:2223-7747. IF3,935
- Stoleru, V ; Jacobsen, SE; Vitanescu, M; Jitareanu, G; Butnariu, M; Munteanu, N; Stan, T; Teliban, GC; Cojocaru, A, Mihalache, G - Nutritional and antinutritional compounds in leaves of quinoa. FOOD BIOSCIENCE, Volume 45, Article Number 101494, DOI10.1016/j.fbio.2021.101494, Published FEB 2022, Indexed2021-12-20, ISSN: 2212-4292. IF 4,24
- Teliban, GC ; Burducea, M ; Mihalache, G ; Zheljazkov, VD ; Dincheva, I ; Badjakov, I ; Popa, LD ; Bodale, I ; Vladut, NV ; Cojocaru, A ; Munteanu, N ; Stan, T ; Caruso, G ; Stoleru, V - Morphological, Physiological and Quality Performances of Basil Cultivars under Different Fertilization Types. AGRONOMY-BASEL Volume12Issue12, DOI10.3390/agronomy12123219. DEC 2022. 3,3 IF