ISSN 2821 - 6644 ISSN-L 2821 - 6644 ![]() |
The volume “Animal & Food Sciences Journal Iasi” is a scientific issue published by the Faculty of Food and Animal Sciences, belonging of the “ION IONESCU DE LA BRAD” University of Life Sciences, Iasi. The journal is published biannually, throughout May and November and comprises the papers presented within the International Scientific Symposium, organized during October, as well as other scientific results achieved throughout the year. Regarding its quality standards, the journal presented an ascendant dynamics, fulfilling thus the trend required by the publishing of the scientific proceedings in Europe and worldwide. In order to increase the published materials quality, since 2000, all the papers are submitted for peer-review evaluation to certain experts from our country and abroad. The scientific quality is proved by the length of using the articles, estimated through the quotation rate in other journals and also by the international structure of the publishing board, by the fact that is regularly published and because it is available on its own website. The purpose of the journal within the national scientific community is at its highest level, because it comprises data from all the fields related to animal husbandry management, food safety, agritourism, and rural development. In order to prove the journal relevance, it must be remembered that the publication is awarded with favorable opinions from the specialists of the domain, each new issue being requested by research institutions and stations, by universities and other academic entities, by the National Agency for Genetic Improvement and Reproduction in Animal Husbandry and its subsidiaries, by organizations and companies acting within the agriculture, agritourism, and food safety domain. Its increased reputation is also based on the quality of the academic community existing within the Faculty of Food and Animal Science Iasi, which collaborates with the editorial and peer-review board that comprises experts recognized at national and international levels. The national and worldwide prestige is also given by the teams of authors which also published specialty articles in other ISI ranked journals or included within certain known scientific databases. E-mail Journal: |
About the Journal
“Animal & Food Sciences Journal Iasi” is a specialty volume, with a solid tradition, which comprises the scientific articles based on some studies and works of scientific research within the main agricultural and rural development fields. The journal published nowadays originates from the Annals of the Iasi Agronomic Institute, published since 1957 by the Agro-Forestry Publishing house and entitled „Yearbook of the scientific papers” and the volume that was entitled Lucrări Științifice, Seria Zootehnie between in 1992-2021 and appeared at the „Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iași” Publishing House.
The Journal plays a main role within the national scientific community, because it facilitates the publishing of several data from all the fields related to animal husbandry management and rural development.
The importance of the journal is also given by the scientific content of the papers accepted for publishing. Concerning the quality standards, the journal passed through an ascendant transformation, reaching thus full consensus with the trend given by the publishing of scientific materials in Europe and worldwide.
Scientific topics
There are various scientific topics published in the journal, but they are specifically related to:
- Animal sciences engineering;
- Food sciences engineering;
- Tourism and management;
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Gerard JITĂREANU, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
Associate Editor: Prof. Costel SAMUIL, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Assoc. prof. Denis ŢOPA, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Liviu-Mihai IRIMIA, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Ioan Mircea POP, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Mihai MAREŞ, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Ioan Mircea POP, PhD, I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
Associate Editor: Prof. Constantin PASCAL, PhD, I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Marius Giorgi USTUROI, PhD – I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Assoc. prof. Daniel SIMEANU, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Assoc. prof. Răzvan Mihail RADU-RUSU, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Lect. Mihaela IVANCIA, PhD – I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Lect. Bogdan Vlad AVARVAREI, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- PhD H.C. Yves NYS – National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA), FRANCE
- Prof. Mohamed A. KENAWI, PhD – Minia University, EGYPT
- Prof. Ottó SZENCI, PhD – Szent István University, Budapest – HUNGARY
- Prof. Mark RUSSELL, PhD - Purdue University, Indiana, USA
- Prof. Françoise PICARD, PhD – University of Angers, FRANCE
- Prof. Edi PIASENTIER, PhD – University of Udine, ITALY
Authors guidelines
Since the accepted work will be published in the IULS Scientific Papers tome, “Animal & Food Sciences Journal Iasi”, more requirements are imposed to be fulfilled.
The scientific papers will be filled in and edited using the Microsoft Word template available for view and download at this link: : MS_Word_Template_Paper_Editing: ANIMAL_AND_FOOD_SCIENCES_AND_SUSTAINABLE_DEVELOPMENT_Template
Issuance frequency
Since 2022, the journal Lucrari stiintifice - Seria Zootehnie changes its name to “Animal & Food Sciences Journal Iasi” but keeps its issuance biannually (in May and in November).
Both volumes comprise those scientific papers accepted via peer-review for presentation in the International Scientific Symposium organised every year by the Faculty of Food and Animal Sciences..
Articles submission
The papers will be submitted via e-mail as doc file (Word), formatted in accordance with the Instructions for authors, using the address of the journal:
The authors agree that they will assume the exclusive responsibility for papers content, originality and for research ethics, as well, expressed through the signed AUTHOR AGREEMENT FORM ON COPYRIGHT AND PUBLISHING ETHICS, which must be sent to the editorial board prior to publishing, if the article is accepted.
The journal does not charghe any fee for articles submitting, processing and publishing.
Throughout the last year, more than 75 articles have been published, both of research and review type.
Upon acceptance, the articles will be immediatly published online and made available for download.
Articles reviewing
Scientific papers review is done in full accordance with the international scientific rules, associated with the internal editing rules, established by the Council of the Iasi Faculty of Food and Animal Sciences, Editorial board ad the Scientific committee, as it follows:
- the deadline will be chosen after the dissemination of the yearly symposium theme has been done and should be established no later than 1,5 months prior to the traditional date of Journal publishing (first decade of May);;
- the materials will be selected according to the most appropriate scientific section and they are sent to the reviewers, to be analysed;
- the reviewers will send the materials to the Scientific committee, including the positive verdict or the advices and the requirements to fulfil before publishing;
- the materials will be included in the scientific papers tomes or, if necessary, they will be sent to the authors for adjustments;
- the authors will oblige to operate the requested modifications of the paper content, according to the scientific reviewers advices;
- the adjusted materials will be received from the authors, will be verified for advices observance and they will be included with the other materials fulfilling the whole requirements range.
- Prof. Ligita BALEZENTIENE, PhD - University of Agriculture, LITHUANIA
- Prof. Walter BAUMGARTNER, PhD - University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, AUSTRIA
- Prof. Diego BEGALLI, PhD - University of Verona, ITALY
- Prof. Nour Edine CHIHIB, PhD – University of Lille, FRANCE
- Prof. Szabo CSABA, PhD – University of Kaposvar, HUNGARY
- Lect. Francois DJITIE-KOUATCHO, PhD – University of Ngaoundere, CAMERUN
- Prof. Nicolae EREMIA, PhD – State Agrarian University of Chişinău, Rep. of MOLDOVA
- Prof. Mohamed A. KENAWI, PhD – Minia University, EGYPT
- Lect. Hendronoto A.W. LENGKEY, PhD - Padjadjaran University, Bandung, INDONESIA
- Prof. Andrea MARTINI, PhD - University of Firenze, ITALY
- Prof. Edi PIASENTIER, PhD – University of Udine, ITALY
- Prof. Françoise PICARD, PhD – University of Angers, FRANCE
- Prof. Mark RUSSELL, PhD - Purdue University, Indiana-USA
- Prof. Nomeda SABIENE, PhD – University of Agriculture, Kaunas – LITHUANIA
- Prof. Nicolas SILLEOS, PhD – Aristotle University, Salonic, GREECE
- Prof. Ottó SZENCI, PhD - Szent István University, Budapest, HUNGARY
- Prof. Peter VOS, PhD - University of Utrecht, THE NETHERLANDS
- Prof. Paul Corneliu BOIŞTEANU, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Lect. Marius CIOBANU, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Şteofil CREANGĂ, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Assoc. prof. Cristi DIMA, PhD – “Dunărea de Jos” University, Galaţi, ROMANIA
- Prof. Dan DEZMIREAN, PhD - U.A.S.V.M. Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA
- Assoc. prof. Marius Gheorghe DOLIȘ, PhD – I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Dumitru DRĂGOTOIU, PhD - U.A.S.V.M. București, ROMANIA
- Prof. Horia GROSU, PhD - I.R.D.B.A.N. Balotești, ROMANIA
- Assoc. prof. Roxana LAZĂR, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Vasile MACIUC, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Monica MARIN, PhD – U.A.S.V.M. Bucureşti, ROMANIA
- Prof. Daniel MIERLIȚĂ, PhD - U.A.S.V.M.B. Timișoara, ROMANIA
- Prof. Vioara MIREȘAN, PhD - U.A.S.V.M. Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA
- Lect. Gherasim NACU, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Constantin PASCAL, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Ioan PEȚ, PhD - U.A.S.V.M.B. Timisoara, ROMANIA
- Prof. Ioan Mircea POP, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Lect. Roxana RAȚU, PhD - I.U.L.S. Iași, ROMANIA
- Prof. Lavinia ȘTEF, PhD - U.A.S.V.M.B. Timișoara, ROMANIA
- Prof. Ilie VAN, PhD – A.A.F.S., U.A.S.V.M. București, ROMANIA
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 |
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 |
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 |
2025 |
Copyright & licensing
Copyright of all approved for publishing manuscripts is transferred to the “Animal & Food Sciences Journal Iasi”. The Editorial board will have the rights to publish any copyrighted content and to index it in any virtual scientific databases and open access platforms, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike -4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
Prior to publishing, the author(s) must warrant that the Manuscript:
• has not been published before and/or is not presently being considered for publication elsewhere;
• does not violate any intellectual property right of any person or entity, in respect with the anti-plagiarism principles and does recognize the intellectual rights of other authors for their earlier contributions, citing their works accordingly;
• comprises original results issued from research methodology applied in accordance with scientific research ethics and bioethics principles;
• contains opinions, debates and any other statements that fall under the fully responsibility of its authors;
• does not contain any subject matter that contravenes any laws.
The authors will have the right to:
• use their Article published by “Animal & Food Sciences Journal Iasi” on a personal home page, on an open-access platform or for non-commercial purposes within his/her institution provided the source of the published Manuscript is cited;
• use the Published article for further research and spoken presentations;
• use the Abstract of the Published article for any purpose;
• use the illustrations and research data in his/her own future works;
• use the Published article within his/her institution for teaching purposes and share print or digital copies of it for personal use or study.
If the Manuscript is rejected or is withdrawn prior to acceptance by “Animal & Food Sciences Journal Iasi”, this Agreement will cease its validity.
In order to get published, the authors with accepted manuscripts are kindly asked tod to DOWNLOAD, print, sign by hand, scan and return the AUTHOR AGREEMENT FORM ON COPYRIGHT AND PUBLISHING ETHICS to the editorial board of the journal, by e-mail to: